Friday, July 6, 2012

Excuse me a moment, while i throw up in your face...(this one is a train wreck, it will be difficult not to look - but if you are squeamish you may want to steer clear)

F-ity F-words, and bastardy others
to which would describe the ongoing frustration that
is the complete and utter FUCK you are
oh yeah
i remember you and you know me
all too familiar are the sounds that emanate from your
consistently failing
barely getting by
why don't you take a fucking moment
and let go of the joints
that reap your funds clean from
the hands of your son

just going to say it
fucking fucker

fucking sucker; is what must be
written ALL over me with
spray paint
and a hint of feeling violated
screaming through my veins
pumping hot with anger

at first heard
figuring...humph it figures
and giving up on trying to maintain funds
for my son...momentarily
of course

{god damned fucking fucker}

now though, it's settling under the skin
and seeping into the veins within
coarsing with daggers
needles sharp

the douchebag jokes and laughs with me
as if
as though, it's fucking funny
"you're not going to like this
what i have to tell you, i've been hanging
on so long as to not upset".

oh.. why then, "fucking thank you"
for sparing me the hatred for you
until now...

he fights the second wife for custody
battling for minimal support
to children to which he's knowingly
wantingly conceived
asks me
"i'm not a bad father am i?"
a multi-tude of times over text

{i know he's stoned again...}

absolutely you are
you fucking prick
for eight years you bust your ass to
not be FORCED pay the bare minimum
and complain for something less
fuck, why should you be forced to pay at all?
to hell with it
why should you be forced to take...

here you are at the cusp
of his little beginnings of greatness
where more could mean learning
arts, creativeness expanding his physical realm
and you want to scale back the meager
monetarily and accessibly


eight years i've taken ALL
husband now, takes on more in a day
than you ever have
ever will

this is your legacy
coming up short time and again
why are there niceties
but for the sanity of my son
i mask this hatred
the horrible taste on my tongue
as i write this and would like for
you to disappear

ask me again you incredibly 
poor choice-d
lame ass piece of shit
if you are a good parent
or a parent at all...

i dare you


Books to Read

  • Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan
  • Bearing Witness