While I can't promise any of my particular posts are poetic as such, they speak to my feelings, raw in moments of emotional turmoil with non sentences.
This post has sentences.
Tonight struck me with a rather surprising epiphany and i wish I could say it came to me because of an inspirational and deeply thought provoking movie. It didn't. It was just fucking Batman. Well, it was after i was pumped up on enough caffeine and movie inspiration that I could be completely off and i was running the dog in the park, not during the movie. But, none-the-less, it runs from the excitement and inspiration from the movie.
As I threw the Frisbee for the dog, i felt strong again. I remembered that all this while...over the past few months of discussion about being a surrogate and what that means giving up. Essentially, it means we are committing to having no more of our own children. We are, for all intent and purposes, done.
While I said it, i'm not sure i meant it. Until now. I am sure, certain and happy would feel completely comfortable with my partner going in tomorrow for surgery to cut it up. ;) {He might not be...} But, I am happy with that answer because it will free me.
I love my children and am so happy i have them, i would never change those decisions for the world. It is fucking tiring though. Child rearing. Wiping me clear of energy i never had to begin with. And so, with that I feel good in moving forward to gaining a semblance of strength inside of me, finding the little lady, small activist-world saver that I once deemed myself to be.
I am letting go of the childbearing fog that holds me in a monotony. Exiting the state of not being able to do anything else in the meantime.
This has been a pivotal day in the history of my 8 year fog. I am breaking free.
I will not pretend this fog will be easy to slip out of, since i am not an energetic person and i'm still not sure if the caffeine high and lack of children are prompting me to this point however it feels right and tonight i'm going with it.
End of non-poetic post
Beginning of clarity
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Tonight I realized...(Non-Poetic Post)
Inspiration Reigns
It didn't take much but a silly old
movie with heroes of men
heroes of women
basking in the glory that was tonight
realization struck
to my surprise
i haven't lost
she is here
and it IS time
to move from this fog
into the light
where the brightness brings clarity
like lighting it hit
as if there is no other way, it's time for me
to pave
endure the pain for future goals
the ones of past
to bring forth to the reality
of life i hold
scared of what this
all might mean
{scared that the influence of
has molded
framing thoughts for minutes only}
instead of strong foundations
meant for building
doesn't matter much the things i do
for me
time will cease regardless
mattering of the things seen
by children
right and wrong, peace and love, good and bad
struggles to manage, maintain, sustain
while persevering
for children i grow for tomorrow
to see
only that
is the matter for the things i do
show, fight, continuing on my plight
save a little bit of the world
through my life
time to move on, ever forward
managing the confusing, strangely peaceful time
where comfort is being busy as can be
to forget she
that girl
that was once me
tearing off the clothes and mask
social pressures and media
me with mountains high
to overcome
for the bit of me that I can do
save the world to make it better
if only for a few
My instinctual nature
to hit home
being the driving force
ensuring the seed i leave
continues on without me, without pain
or suffering
maybe rather
fulfilling my own perceptions of my own destiny
movie with heroes of men
heroes of women
basking in the glory that was tonight
realization struck
to my surprise
i haven't lost
she is here
and it IS time
to move from this fog
into the light
where the brightness brings clarity
like lighting it hit
as if there is no other way, it's time for me
to pave
endure the pain for future goals
the ones of past
to bring forth to the reality
of life i hold
scared of what this
all might mean
{scared that the influence of
has molded
framing thoughts for minutes only}
instead of strong foundations
meant for building
doesn't matter much the things i do
for me
time will cease regardless
mattering of the things seen
by children
right and wrong, peace and love, good and bad
struggles to manage, maintain, sustain
while persevering
for children i grow for tomorrow
to see
only that
is the matter for the things i do
show, fight, continuing on my plight
save a little bit of the world
through my life
time to move on, ever forward
managing the confusing, strangely peaceful time
where comfort is being busy as can be
to forget she
that girl
that was once me
tearing off the clothes and mask
social pressures and media
me with mountains high
to overcome
for the bit of me that I can do
save the world to make it better
if only for a few
My instinctual nature
to hit home
being the driving force
ensuring the seed i leave
continues on without me, without pain
or suffering
maybe rather
fulfilling my own perceptions of my own destiny
Friday, July 6, 2012
Excuse me a moment, while i throw up in your face...(this one is a train wreck, it will be difficult not to look - but if you are squeamish you may want to steer clear)
F-ity F-words, and bastardy others
to which would describe the ongoing frustration that
is the complete and utter FUCK you are
oh yeah
i remember you and you know me
all too familiar are the sounds that emanate from your
consistently failing
barely getting by
why don't you take a fucking moment
and let go of the joints
that reap your funds clean from
the hands of your son
just going to say it
fucking fucker
fucking sucker; is what must be
written ALL over me with
spray paint
and a hint of feeling violated
screaming through my veins
pumping hot with anger
at first heard
figuring...humph it figures
and giving up on trying to maintain funds
for my son...momentarily
of course
{god damned fucking fucker}
now though, it's settling under the skin
and seeping into the veins within
coarsing with daggers
needles sharp
the douchebag jokes and laughs with me
as if
as though, it's fucking funny
"you're not going to like this
what i have to tell you, i've been hanging
on so long as to not upset you...lol".
oh.. why then, "fucking thank you"
for sparing me the hatred for you
until now...
he fights the second wife for custody
battling for minimal support
to children to which he's knowingly
wantingly conceived
asks me
"i'm not a bad father am i?"
a multi-tude of times over text
{i know he's stoned again...}
absolutely you are
you fucking prick
for eight years you bust your ass to
not be FORCED pay the bare minimum
and complain for something less
fuck, why should you be forced to pay at all?
to hell with it
why should you be forced to take...
here you are at the cusp
of his little beginnings of greatness
where more could mean learning
arts, creativeness expanding his physical realm
and you want to scale back the meager
monetarily and accessibly
eight years i've taken ALL
husband now, takes on more in a day
than you ever have
ever will
this is your legacy
coming up short time and again
why are there niceties
but for the sanity of my son
i mask this hatred
the horrible taste on my tongue
as i write this and would like for
you to disappear
ask me again you incredibly
poor choice-d
lame ass piece of shit
if you are a good parent
or a parent at all...
i dare you
to which would describe the ongoing frustration that
is the complete and utter FUCK you are
oh yeah
i remember you and you know me
all too familiar are the sounds that emanate from your
consistently failing
barely getting by
why don't you take a fucking moment
and let go of the joints
that reap your funds clean from
the hands of your son
just going to say it
fucking fucker
fucking sucker; is what must be
written ALL over me with
spray paint
and a hint of feeling violated
screaming through my veins
pumping hot with anger
at first heard
figuring...humph it figures
and giving up on trying to maintain funds
for my son...momentarily
of course
{god damned fucking fucker}
now though, it's settling under the skin
and seeping into the veins within
coarsing with daggers
needles sharp
the douchebag jokes and laughs with me
as if
as though, it's fucking funny
"you're not going to like this
what i have to tell you, i've been hanging
on so long as to not upset you...lol".
oh.. why then, "fucking thank you"
for sparing me the hatred for you
until now...
he fights the second wife for custody
battling for minimal support
to children to which he's knowingly
wantingly conceived
asks me
"i'm not a bad father am i?"
a multi-tude of times over text
{i know he's stoned again...}
absolutely you are
you fucking prick
for eight years you bust your ass to
not be FORCED pay the bare minimum
and complain for something less
fuck, why should you be forced to pay at all?
to hell with it
why should you be forced to take...
here you are at the cusp
of his little beginnings of greatness
where more could mean learning
arts, creativeness expanding his physical realm
and you want to scale back the meager
monetarily and accessibly
eight years i've taken ALL
husband now, takes on more in a day
than you ever have
ever will
this is your legacy
coming up short time and again
why are there niceties
but for the sanity of my son
i mask this hatred
the horrible taste on my tongue
as i write this and would like for
you to disappear
ask me again you incredibly
poor choice-d
lame ass piece of shit
if you are a good parent
or a parent at all...
i dare you
Sunday, June 10, 2012
I have some crazy audacity...
Bloody hell this won't leave me...
I have some crazy audacity...
i suppose i do
and it's likely mostly true
as i kick ass through
to find the the girl i lost years ago
most days i tire from the monotony
i feel mad and sad
emotional and scarred
working through feelings of
inadequacy, paranoia and mistrust
knowingly alone in most of it
perhaps i am an arrogant
with blatant disregard for others feelings
but among the thorns there are
roses spread here too
and hey
lets not pretend
that we don't all have feelings
that border on crazy
or irrational
its just
i'm writing it here and you can see
exactly as you read
this is raw
full of feelings
of moments i can't take away
i won't take away
so yes, i have the audacity...
I have some crazy audacity...
i suppose i do
and it's likely mostly true
as i kick ass through
to find the the girl i lost years ago
most days i tire from the monotony
i feel mad and sad
emotional and scarred
working through feelings of
inadequacy, paranoia and mistrust
knowingly alone in most of it
perhaps i am an arrogant
with blatant disregard for others feelings
but among the thorns there are
roses spread here too
and hey
lets not pretend
that we don't all have feelings
that border on crazy
or irrational
its just
i'm writing it here and you can see
exactly as you read
this is raw
full of feelings
of moments i can't take away
i won't take away
so yes, i have the audacity...
[aw-das-i-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural au·dac·i·ties.
boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogantdisregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or otherrestrictions.
effrontery or insolence; shameless boldness: His questioner'saudacity shocked the lecturer.
What that really means...
sitting on a porch, on a farm, far from home
conversation strikingly sad
pessimistic and unsure
halfway through the best of what
our bodies will reasonaably give us for life
with children running with puppies around us
gardens growing, house owning
fortunate as we are
struggling to come to terms with not becoming
successful or having necessary careers
ideas of success rapidly change
as our minds shape
lives of new beings
forcing a rethink to our
it's okay
and i'm who I am
where i am, loving whom i do because
good choices have brought me here
times get hard
i am not the doctor or
peacekeeping earth saver
i imagined i would
one day be by now
it's okay because it's who i am
she is still in me
it's okay because life is short
no one is going to be able to save this earth
by themselves
especially me, with this family
i am the same as many others, in a house that looks
plainly like all the others, in clothes that
look normally like hers and hers and hers
success has morphed for me into the moments
that the make the difference
not the times where i give a speech to hundreds of people
at a conference
or when i organize an office, or file papers
its when i sit with friends on a porch and talk about
life and kids and tiredness
its when i soak in the air and noises of my man
chatting as he always does, my son giggle with delight
as puppies playfully follow him
when daughters play independantly and yet still sing so loudly you can hear them when they are plainly out of sight
redefining successes
understanding the reality that is this earth
helping my first born find the goodness in himself
learning success is building strong friendships
making time for beautiful families
sometimes i will long for the old days, or better choices
excluding the career or lack of "success"
or life i have today
but then
maybe there wouldn't be the have the life i have today
where happiness is such a common place
You can do anything!
Recent conversations are creeping under my skin
deeper than anticipated
strangely my audacity
sheds light on how
parents encourage
providing endless confidence
what have they done
standing here wondering
what i've become
who am i
not the firefighter
policewoman or barbie
doll living in royalty
dreams providing little
to facing of reality
not an astronaut, or a singer
certainly dancing is out
fashion designing
not even an entrepreneur
saving the earth is not in
the cards anymore
if every it was
and so digging into the depths of
who we thought we'd be
i share
the scary on the minds of many
i'm sure
sitting in an office like every other
just as encouraged as me
as the young blossoming children
we were
lets skip a few
maybe twenty-five years and here
i am, pushing my children to be
all they can be
helping others
pick a career
make enough money
good choices too
can you really do all that you want or
do your parents choices
lay on your hands
restricting you
can each child have the potential for
grand success
will you sit on hill with your best friend
and talk about how far you haven't come
and what that really means...
Monday, January 23, 2012
spread words on wind
lights are sparkling in the distance
as i watch out over the night
the falls are violently wooshing into
carving wear on rock
in all those lights
in all those homes across the river
across the country
where is the help
where is the why
and the questions
and how
how could we sit idly by and let people so
incredibly trusting and
lovely, inviting and sweet
stand by
let advantage be taken
of this beautifully peaceful people
with knowledge from today comes
sadness and pain
residual feelings of distrust
anger and resentment
why would anyone do this
or not to something to stop this
destruction of lives
feeling lost in these emotions
becoming overwhelmed by knowledge of
past indescretions of people to whom
I was born to
ingoring things in plain sight
or allowing rights of people
to be pressed under foot or shoved
in corners
while colour
or lack there of stansds on top
winning some kind of race
i am ashamed
guilty by association
saddened and crying
please wake up to the cries
so what, they're not as loud now
they are here, worthy
and present
grieving and mourning
the loss of so many important rights
taking all for granted
we do as we sit in ignorant white
boxes, ignoring the plight around our
scattered flight
we cannot allow this to be forgotten
or placed behind embarassed curtains
the need is great
for education
spread words on wind
across the lands
we will not allow such treachery
and blood on our hands
instill compassion and love
guidance and trust
regain our credibility
be honourable
advocate because
as a Canadian
as an educated person
to right your wrong
as i watch out over the night
the falls are violently wooshing into
carving wear on rock
in all those lights
in all those homes across the river
across the country
where is the help
where is the why
and the questions
and how
how could we sit idly by and let people so
incredibly trusting and
lovely, inviting and sweet
stand by
let advantage be taken
of this beautifully peaceful people
with knowledge from today comes
sadness and pain
residual feelings of distrust
anger and resentment
why would anyone do this
or not to something to stop this
destruction of lives
feeling lost in these emotions
becoming overwhelmed by knowledge of
past indescretions of people to whom
I was born to
ingoring things in plain sight
or allowing rights of people
to be pressed under foot or shoved
in corners
while colour
or lack there of stansds on top
winning some kind of race
i am ashamed
guilty by association
saddened and crying
please wake up to the cries
so what, they're not as loud now
they are here, worthy
and present
grieving and mourning
the loss of so many important rights
taking all for granted
we do as we sit in ignorant white
boxes, ignoring the plight around our
scattered flight
we cannot allow this to be forgotten
or placed behind embarassed curtains
the need is great
for education
spread words on wind
across the lands
we will not allow such treachery
and blood on our hands
instill compassion and love
guidance and trust
regain our credibility
be honourable
advocate because
as a Canadian
as an educated person
to right your wrong
Behind the curtains curtains...
I've struggled all my life
with feelings of inadequacy but only in certain moments of life
where i meet unknown
where i am accepted, i am strong
powerful, i try to be
every time i tip toe into
deep waters of new territory
there's struggle of learning
where fitting in might be
nervous and shy
paranoid and terrified of what
others might think of me
have i opened up too much
not enough
there always seems to be a wall up
for most that won't accept
or let me feel free to express myself
the others, like me
seem open
and the others others have opened freely to them as such
but not to me
qualities not exuded from me
put people on edge, i think
sitting back, listening, figuring
scared of thoughts in their heads
how do they feel about me
likely thinking about shy girl
not a priority
dealing with lifes' challenges and own
situations has people's thoughts set adrift
here i sit, scared as shit
feeling alone and unwanted, unasked
and different from all the rest
no one has said anything to lead me to believe
just uninvited
behind a wall of curtains curtains
shielding me from becoming more
until they ask for something more
until I'm freed from
the drape of insecurity
that blocks feelings of trust
friendships from blooming
and life from living
i just can't come out though
until the invitation has been given
too much hurt has been there
lies have been there
too much pain has settled
behind those sheers of armour
protection from words of
daggers whispered in
secret conversations
i wait
until someone opens the door to my fears
and invites me in to theirs
i wait
with feelings of inadequacy but only in certain moments of life
where i meet unknown
where i am accepted, i am strong
powerful, i try to be
every time i tip toe into
deep waters of new territory
there's struggle of learning
where fitting in might be
nervous and shy
paranoid and terrified of what
others might think of me
have i opened up too much
not enough
there always seems to be a wall up
for most that won't accept
or let me feel free to express myself
the others, like me
seem open
and the others others have opened freely to them as such
but not to me
qualities not exuded from me
put people on edge, i think
sitting back, listening, figuring
scared of thoughts in their heads
how do they feel about me
likely thinking about shy girl
not a priority
dealing with lifes' challenges and own
situations has people's thoughts set adrift
here i sit, scared as shit
feeling alone and unwanted, unasked
and different from all the rest
no one has said anything to lead me to believe
just uninvited
behind a wall of curtains curtains
shielding me from becoming more
until they ask for something more
until I'm freed from
the drape of insecurity
that blocks feelings of trust
friendships from blooming
and life from living
i just can't come out though
until the invitation has been given
too much hurt has been there
lies have been there
too much pain has settled
behind those sheers of armour
protection from words of
daggers whispered in
secret conversations
i wait
until someone opens the door to my fears
and invites me in to theirs
i wait
Sunday, January 22, 2012
back to me
splish splashing about in my half nakedness
two others unknown watching from
warm spaces
indulging here i am
in glory, guilty happiness
quickly fleeting as time passes
wishing this space in time would
not cease to exist here i already
sit so
far away from that moment
away from that time of floaty
freeing, moving about like
dolphins in movies
splashing, whale like
no doubt
cares behind me
momentarily while i'm
free for a moment
while my body forgets who i am now
my mind drifts through waves of
wanting to remember this moment
remembering moments past when
splish sploshing, being free
of weighted children
pulling at my sense of gravity
or buoyancy
up and down through waters warm
head standing, eyes open not really
seeing anything
propelling through the water like
bullets from guns
i am so fast and light and lovely
swimmingly forgetting me
longing for time to cease and hold
me in these moments forever
broken is time in chunks
passing quickly
without control, in losing control
in losing pieces of self along the
in this moment i breathe in
feeling free, remembering
i must come
back to me
two others unknown watching from
warm spaces
indulging here i am
in glory, guilty happiness
quickly fleeting as time passes
wishing this space in time would
not cease to exist here i already
sit so
far away from that moment
away from that time of floaty
freeing, moving about like
dolphins in movies
splashing, whale like
no doubt
cares behind me
momentarily while i'm
free for a moment
while my body forgets who i am now
my mind drifts through waves of
wanting to remember this moment
remembering moments past when
splish sploshing, being free
of weighted children
pulling at my sense of gravity
or buoyancy
up and down through waters warm
head standing, eyes open not really
seeing anything
propelling through the water like
bullets from guns
i am so fast and light and lovely
swimmingly forgetting me
longing for time to cease and hold
me in these moments forever
broken is time in chunks
passing quickly
without control, in losing control
in losing pieces of self along the
in this moment i breathe in
feeling free, remembering
i must come
back to me
Thursday, January 5, 2012
The Rock, in my journey...
are amazing
always there
willing to
lend hands of any
as much as necessary
never impeding
gently offering
bringing support
strong with a
bold personality
not shy
always feel comfortable
so lucky to have
to have had you in
my life
a privileged life
i see some lead
but i
SO much so
with having you here
at my side as
hugs or tears
there have been
so many at your side
by your side
in your home
over time and
with time on our heels
needing you to
know how incredibly
meant to me
mean to me
not many
not any others have
been listeners
the way you have
with your nonjudgmental
kindness and comfort
i feel trust in you
i open to you
can't say that
has happened with
other kin like you
beauty i adore
a look up to woman
who i always wanted
be likened to
persevering like
no other, with quick wit
and strong roots
like trees
shit jokes at sleepovers
more laughing
until we
were crying
there is no other like you
so fortunate
i am
thanking you
are amazing
always there
willing to
lend hands of any
as much as necessary
never impeding
gently offering
bringing support
strong with a
bold personality
not shy
always feel comfortable
so lucky to have
to have had you in
my life
a privileged life
i see some lead
but i
SO much so
with having you here
at my side as
hugs or tears
there have been
so many at your side
by your side
in your home
over time and
with time on our heels
needing you to
know how incredibly
meant to me
mean to me
not many
not any others have
been listeners
the way you have
with your nonjudgmental
kindness and comfort
i feel trust in you
i open to you
can't say that
has happened with
other kin like you
beauty i adore
a look up to woman
who i always wanted
be likened to
persevering like
no other, with quick wit
and strong roots
like trees
shit jokes at sleepovers
more laughing
until we
were crying
there is no other like you
so fortunate
i am
thanking you
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Books to Read
- Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan
- Bearing Witness