Sunday, February 20, 2011

choice is not choice when your forced to choose one choice

a battered body
without money and often
its not a choice when you're
starving to live, it's all you can do
to stay alive while being
raped and abused by men
around the world
visiting because they know what they'll
get when they visit you

a chance to penetrate
the will of yet another battered woman
do what he wants to her
with what he thinks is consent because
he's paying "her"
he "thinks" he's paying her
pimps getting paid through
these woman's orifices

so unjust is our world
with all we know to take such
advantage of women
to put them
to the ground, to not respect
beautiful creatures who make your young
who create your world

with all your knowledge and humanism
you strive or pretend to strive for
how can you allow such disgusting behaviour
to continue

turning a blind eye because
police, and judges are being paid
to look the other way
because men get paid
a lot

the man
who keeps putting her there
in that bloody pool
in that threat of death
in that misogynistic
that so disgusts me

it is not a choice
it was not her choice
it was NOT HER choice
NOT HER choice

she has no choice

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Books to Read

  • Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan
  • Bearing Witness