Monday, January 23, 2012

spread words on wind

lights are sparkling in the distance
as i watch out over the night
the falls are violently wooshing into
carving wear on rock

in all those lights
in all those homes across the river
across the country
where is the help
where is the why
and the questions
and how
how could we sit idly by and let people so
incredibly trusting and
lovely, inviting and sweet

stand by
let advantage be taken
of this beautifully peaceful people
with knowledge from today comes
sadness and pain
residual feelings of distrust
anger and resentment
why would anyone do this
or not to something to stop this
destruction of lives

feeling lost in these emotions
becoming overwhelmed by knowledge of
past indescretions of people to whom
I was born to
ingoring things in plain sight
or allowing rights of people
to be pressed under foot or shoved
in corners
while colour
or lack there of stansds on top
winning some kind of race

i am ashamed
guilty by association
saddened and crying

please wake up to the cries
so what, they're not as loud now
they are here, worthy
and present
grieving and mourning
the loss of so many important rights
taking all for granted
we do as we sit in ignorant white
boxes, ignoring the plight around our
scattered flight

we cannot allow this to be forgotten
or placed behind embarassed curtains
the need is great
for education
spread words on wind
across the lands
we will not allow such treachery
and blood on our hands

instill compassion and love
guidance and trust
regain our credibility
be honourable
advocate because
as a Canadian
as an educated person
to right your wrong

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Books to Read

  • Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan
  • Bearing Witness